Thursday, February 2, 2012

Mobile Scatternets

Mobile scatter nets are simply groups of organized trees of nodes joined by bridges allowing for communication between large numbers of mobile devices. The proposed system uses a root node to generate a graph of slaves which are used to process data and also syncs with other root nodes via an intermediary called a bridge. The systems was developed to facilitate parallel computing between phones. The system is said to also be good for multiplier gaming but does not seem to have the resiliency that would be needed for such. This is due to the fact that for the system to work, slave nodes must all know they are slaves before a root node is created to create the networks.
I find that the work presented in the paper shows that our project is not only feasible but that there is most definitely a need for something such as we're proposing that is quite user friendly and geared towards gaming. The system we envision would not be so limited as the scatternet in that it would be able to join any new members and gracefully deal with drop outs. Overall their idea simply gives us a nice reference on how to organize our communication tables and a boost in confidence.

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